The 2022 U15B Mother's Day Bash was an amazing weekend here at McLean Park! We saw teams from all over the province and saw some amazing ball games! Including the final between the Abbotsford Outlaws 07 vs the Delta Inferno 07 which was decided right at the bottom of the 7th! A great game to watch!
Abbotsford Outlaws 07 took home the gold, Delta Inferno took home the silver and our very own Poco Ravens 07 took bronze.
A huge thank you to all of the umpires that called all our games. We thank you for everything you have done for us this weekend. Without you we wouldn't have had these great games!
And finally thank you to all of the volunteers, parents, family members, executive and even parents of teams from outside of Poco for all of your time preparing fields, running concession, picking up after yourselves and even cheering everyone on.
We Thank You!