Calling all High School Softball players!
PCMSA is looking for a few softball ambassadors to come together to make up a Jr. Executive! We are looking for 5-6 girls that are Grades 9-12 that play softball for PCMSA and are interested in being part of this new group!
The mandate of the Jr. Executive would be to increase the visibility of PCMSA in the community, organize and run some community events and promote Fastpitch Softball to young girls here in Port Coquitlam.
The group would meet either virtually or in person once a month. (or more if deemed it necessary to plan events or activities) Once an event or activity has been planned, the Jr. Executive will report to the PCMSA Executive with their plans with a budget (if required) for approval.
Members of the Jr. Executive will get credit for volunteer hours for school! This will look great on a resume and not only that, it will help promote a game we all love!
If you are interested or want more information please contact Alison Goulding at
Alison will reply back as soon as possible with any questions there might be.
The deadline for applying will be December 10th, 2023